P. 149

39. Ilias Karapantzos, Chrysa Karapantzou, Paul Zarogoulidis, Michail Karanikas, Vasilis

               Thomaidis, Theodora Tsiouda. Deep neck infections and abscess: case series and up to date
               commentary.  Ann Res Hosp 2017;1:27   doi: 10.21037/arh.2017.05.03

                   Abstract: Deep neck space infection (DNSI) is defined as infection in the potential spaces and

               fascial planes of the neck. It has been observed that recognition of DNSI is challenging due to
               the complex head and neck anatomy. The following five factors are the most important to be

               considered. Firstly, clinical presentation: management of a compromised airway is the priority.
               Clinical history and examination. Secondly: laboratory investigations along with computed
               tomography (CT) imaging in most cases. Thirdly the antibiotics used. Fourthly: treatment in

               children lacking indications for surgical intervention, therefore a 48-hour trial with of

               intravenous antibiotics (IV Abx) is firstly commenced. Fifth, surgical intervention: most
               important indications include signs of airway compromise, no clinical improvement after 48
               hours of IV administration. Conservative and surgical approach is viable treatment options and

               may complement each other.

           40. Karanikas M, Kofina K, Markou M, Doukas D, Effraemidou E, Lyratzopoulos N, Polychronidis A.

               Acute appendicitis as the first presentation of appendiceal metastasis of gastric cancer-report
               of a rare case.  J Surg Case Rep. 2018 Aug 7;2018(8):rjy208.  doi: 10.1093/jscr/rjy208.
               eCollection 2018 Aug. PMID: 30094003 [PubMed]

                   Abstract: Metastatic tumors of the appendix is a rare entity, whereas only limited data

               involving metastasis arising from gastric cancer has been reported. Herein, the case of gastric
               adenocarcinoma metastasis presenting as acute appendicitis is reported. A 53-year-old male,

               with a history of subtotal gastrectomy due to gastric adenocarcinoma 3 years before, was
               referred to the Emergency Department with symptoms of acute appendicitis. While this

               condition was confirmed intraoperatively, histology examination and comparison with the
               previously excised gastric specimen indicated that metastasis of gastric adenocarcinoma to

               the appendix was present. Metastatic appendiceal carcinoma arising from the stomach is an
               extremely rare condition, associated with poor prognosis. Aggressive treatment of the solitary

               lesion may present favorable results.

           41. Sapalidis K, Kosmidis C, Laskou S, Zarogoulidis P, Karapantzos I, Karapantzou C, Kallianos A,
               Hohenforst-Schmidt W, Karanikas M, Thomaidis V, Huang H, Bai C, Kesisoglou I.  Convex-

               probe endobronchial ultrasound for thyroid biopsy a new hybrid method.  Respir Med Case
               Rep. 2018 Feb 2;23:125-127. doi:10.1016/j.rmcr.2018.01.012. eCollection 2018.

               PMID: 29719797 PMCID: PMC5925947 [PubMed] [Scopus]

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