P. 76

Δημοσιευτηκε σαν E-Poster (EP1127) DOI: 10.1530/endoabs.41.EP1127


                      Aim: Thyroid cancer comprises the most common endocrine malignancy and a
                      variety of studies have examined the role of TSH as an independent risk factor for the
                      manifestation of differentiated thyroid cancer in otherwise benign thyroid disorders.

                      Objective of the current retrospective study was the assessment of a possible

                      relation between baseline serum TSH and thyroid microcarcinoma in a patient cohort
                      with non-toxic thyroid disorders and without preoperative cytological establishment
                      of thyroid cancer who underwent total thyroidectomy.

                      Patients and methods: Between 1 January 2005 and 1 March 2010, 186 patients (146
                      female/40 male) underwent total thyroidectomy because of nodular thyroid disease

                      in our Department. Thyroid specimens were histopathologically examined at the
                      University Pathology Department for the establishment of the final diagnosis of

                      benignity or malignancy. Median values of preoperative serum TSH were estimated
                      in both dignity groups and the results were compared regarding preoperative

                      Results: Thirty-two patients (17.2%) were diagnosed with microcarcinoma (rate
                      females: males 2.2:1), while 154 patients (82.8%) were free of malignancy. The

                      median value of basal serum TSH was higher in the malignancy group and without
                      statistical significance (1.02 vs 0.80; P value 0.293). Regarding patients with solitary

                      thyroid nodule TSH presented higher in the benignity cohort (1.3 vs 0.83; P value
                      0.289), whereas in patients with non-toxic multinodular goiter TSH was higher in the

                      malignancy group but marginally without statistical significance compared to the
                      benignity group (1.16 vs 0.75; P value 0.05) Conclusions: In the present study, basal

                      serum TSH did not feature an independent risk predictor for the development of
                      thyroid microcarcinoma in non-toxic nodular thyroid diseases. A borderline
                      non¬significant trend of higher TSH was shown however in non-toxic multinodular

                      goiter harbouring malignancy. Further studies evaluating the role of TSH in thyroid

                      cancer are required.

              16.    Thyroid autoimmunity and risk of incidental thyroid microcarcinoma in non-toxic
                      nodular thyroid diseases

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