P. 80

Case report: A 60-year old female patient with postmenopausal osteoporosis

                      presented for evaluation due to PTH-excess (354.4 pg/ml) and serum calcium at the
                      upper reference range (9.8 mg/dl). The patient had been under 3-year denosumab
                      treatment and had received the last injection 2 months ago. The neck ultrasound

                      revealed a hypoechoic lesion below the right thyroid lobe, the adjunctive  99m Tc-

                      sestamibi scintigraphy turned however non-suggestive for parathyroid adenoma. A
                      novel PTH estimation at 4 months showed considerable PTH decline (86.3 pg/ml)
                      with synchronous 25 OH-D3 insufficiency and persistent normocalcaemia. Therefore,

                      a conservative follow-up was initially decided, presuming that denosumab was
                      responsible for the initial PTH excess in combination with 25OH-D3 insufficiency. The

                      biochemical reassessment at 6 months and after denosumab withdrawal revealed
                      only marginal hyperparathyroidism (72.5 pg/ml). However, mild hypercalcaemia

                      manifested during the following 3 months with relapse of hyperparathyroidism
                      despite accomplishment of 25OH-D3 sufficiency. A second    99m Tc-sestamibi

                      scintigraphy was performed, showing intense tracer retention at the inferior pole of
                      the right thyroid lobe at the early phase and a normal washout at the late phase,

                      therefore raising suspicion of a small parathyroid adenoma either rich in p-
                      glycoprotein or poor in oxyphylic cells. A possible hyperfunctioning thyroid lesion at

                      this anatomic position was excluded by  99m Tc-pertechnate-thyroid scintigraphy. 1
                      month later and because of persistent hyperparathyroidism and hypercalcaemia with

                      new-onset hypercalciuria a third  99m Tc-sestamibi scintigraphy was conducted for
                      validation. The test suggested presence of a right inferior parathyroid adenoma, thus

                      correlating with the neck ultrasound. The patient underwent right inferior
                      parathyroidectomy. PTH and calcium levels normalized directly intraoperatively. The
                      histopathological analysis confirmed the diagnosis of a small parathyroid adenoma,

                      consisted exclusively of chief cells.

                      Conclusion: Denosumab may cause PTH elevation, sustainable months after its

                      application. This phenomenon may cause misinterpretation of the laboratory tests
                      and delay definitive diagnosis of primary hyperparathyroidism due to small

                      parathyroid adenomas without standard scintigraphic pattern. Therefore, a careful
                      patient follow-up is required, as well as a possible imaging reassessment in order to

                      detect the underlying cause of PTH excess.

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