P. 79

Kaplan Meier while the possible effect ofany parameter in survival rates, such as the

                      PD modality and the role of solution’s bio-compatibility, which was evaluated by using
                      Cox Regression analysis.

                      Results: The age of our patients, the gender and the coexistence of diabetes did

                      notdiffer between the CAPD and the CCPD group. The overall 5-year survival was 40%
                      forthe patients using CCPD and 29% for the patients using CAPD while the

                      cumulativesurvival using was statistical significantly higher in the group using CCPD
                      (Kaplan-Meier analysis, Log Rank test p¼0,006). Furthermore Cox Regression

                      analysis revealedthat age (p<0,001), the presence of diabetes (p<0,001), CAPD
                      modality (p¼0,006) aswell as the use of bioincompatible peritoneal dialysis solutions

                      (p¼0,014) were inde-pendent risk factors for the survival of peritoneal dialysis

                      Conclusions: These results indicate that the presence of diabetes and the choice

                      ofPD modality may influence the survival of peritoneal dialysis patients.
                      Furthermore,the use of new peritoneal dialysis solutions may improve the survival of

                      PD patientspossibly due to the decreased local and systemic effects induced by
                      AGEs and GDPs

              18.    Parathyroid hormone excess due to denosumab application and concomitant

                      parathyroid adenoma with an atypical scintigraphic pattern- a case report

                      Dimitrios Askitis , Michail Karanikas , Nikolaos Michalopoulos , Aphroditi Strataki  &
                      Athanasios Zissimopoulos
                      Ανακοινώθηκε στο  21   European Congress of Endocrinology. Lyon, France
                      18-21 May 2019

                      Δημοσιευτηκε σαν E-Poster (P483)  | DOI: 10.1530/endoabs.63.P483


                      Introduction: Primary hyperparathyroidism comprises one of the major causes of
                      hypercalcaemia and is mostly due to solitary parathyroid adenoma. Denosumab is a

                      novel antiresorptive agent for osteoporosis treatment and has been associated with a
                      compensatory increase in PTH levels during the first months after injection, a fact

                      that may interfere in the diagnostic procedures when dealing with concomitant small
                      parathyroid adenomas without standard scintigraphic pattern.

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