P. 73

Material-Methodology: Between 2005-2010 228 patients (182 females/46 males)

                      underwent total thyroidectomy for a variety of functional and non-functional thyroid
                      disorders and the specimens were analysed in the Pathology Department of our
                      Hospital. Results: 34 patients with single non-functional thyroid nodule (14.9%), 152

                      with non-toxic multinodular goiter (66.7%),26 with toxic multinodular goiter (11.4%),

                      6 with toxic adenoma (2.6%) και 10 with Graves disease (4.4%) were operated.In the
                      two first groups we found respectively 11 people (32.4% of the patients with single
                      nodule) and 21 (13.8% of the people with non-toxic multinodular goiter) with

                      differentiated thyroid cancer.

                      Conclusively 17.2% of the people with non-functional thyroid disorders were

                      diagnosed with DTC. On the contrary from the 42 patients of the other three groups
                      with hyperthyroidism only one young male with papillary carcinoma and Graves

                      disease was detected (10% of the patients with Graves or 2.4% of the total
                      hyperthyroid patients) (P=0.014, odds ratio 8.5). The cases of single non-functional
                      nodule and non-toxic multinodular goiter.

              13.     Long-Term Experience with percutaneously peritoneal catheter placement

                      Marios Theodoridis, Stylianos Panagoutsos, Elias Thodis, Michail Karanikas,
                      Alexandros Mitrakas, Pelagia Kriki, Konstantia Kantartzi, Ploumis Passadakis,

                      Vassilis Vargemezis.

                      Ανακοινώθηκε στο 50  Congress ERA-EDTA. Tyrkey, Istanbul 18-21 May, 2013.
                      Δημοσιεύτηκε σαν poster (MP420)


                      Introduction: The successful placement of the peritoneal catheter is directly related
                      to peritoneal dialysis (PD) technique survival. The methods used in peritoneal

                      catheter insertion are distinguished in the surgical method with small laparotomy, in
                      the laparoscopic method and in the percutaneous method as well. The latter is

                      performed either with the Seldinger approach, or by using a trocar. There are
                      conflicting data to date regarding the effectiveness of the various methods of PD

                      catheter placement.

                      Methods: The aim of this study is to estimate the survival of peritoneal catheters
                      inserted percutaneously in our unit with a Tenckhoff trocar at bedside, during the last

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