P. 72


                       Introduction: The coexistence of Hashimoto thyroiditis with welll differentiated

                      thyroid carcinoma (DTC) has been discussed as far as the follow-up and prognosis of
                      patients with chronic autoimmune thyroiditis (CAT) are concerned. The aim of our

                      study was to find the coincident appearance of the two disorders in histologic
                      specimens from patients who underwent total thyreoidectomy.

                      Material-Methodology: Between 2005-2010 228 patients (182 women/46 men) were
                      operated with total thyroidectomy in our clinic. The surgical specimens were studied
                      in the Pathology Department of our hospital.

                      Results: In 228 surgical specimens thyroid cancer was found in 33 (14.5%), from
                      them 31 were DTC (13.6%),while elements of chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis were

                      found in 56 (24.6%).Coexistence of Hashimoto and DTC was detected in 6 patients
                      (19.3% of the DTC diagnosed patients, females/males 5/1). In the population of

                      patients with autoimmune thyroiditis the cancer prevalence was 10.7%. There was no
                      statistically significant difference as far as the age is concerned (P=0.677).

                      Conclusion: Further analytical clinical studies are required in order to establish a

                      possible association between Hashimoto thvroiditis and DTC.Our results show that a

              12.     Hyperthyroidism and thyroid cancer-a prospective study

                      D. Askitis, E. Eufraimidou, M. Karanikas, A. Mitrakas, A. Polychronidis, G. Tripsianis &

                      N. Lyrantzopoulos

                      Ανακοινώθηκε στο  15  International & 14  European Congress of Endocrinology.
                      Italy, Florence, 05-09 May 2012

                      Δημοσιεύτηκε στο τόμο περιλήψεων Endocrine Abstracts (2012) 29 P1776


                       Introduction: The effect of hyperthyroidism on the development of differentiated

                      thyroid cancer (DTC) has been controversial in the international bibliography. The
                      aim of our study was to find the possibility of thyroid cancer appearance in patients

                      with hyperthyroidism who underwent total thyroidectomy in comparison with patients
                      without thyroid hyperfunction.

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