P. 63
effects compared to distant cells in Zone IIΙ. 4) Dose of 50mg vit C may haveeven
caused preoperative oxidative stress (08). 5) Α hypothesis to be proven: In cases of
lιver tissue preservation, ischemia, transplantation, the preoperative liver donor
preconditioning with a "cocktail" of high dose vit C and Ε, cell stabilizers
(aminosteroids), high protein diet, globulins (Sandoglobulin tested by us in this I/R
model) might work collectively, synergistically and could be used with liver
Ρreservatiοn solutions to combat.the deleterious.effects caused by I/R injury, 08 and
FR imposed οη the animal liver. Accumulated recent research points towards this
direction. This model is now being tested by our team.
3. The guidewire technique is associated with lower rate of post – endoscopic
retrograde cholangiopancreatography complications in patients with
choledocholithiasis: a single district hospital experience.
Anthia Gatopoulou, Lirantzopoulos Nikolaos, Efraimidou Eleni, Karanikas Mihalis,
Manolas Konstantinos, Koiddakis Georgios
Ανακοινώθηκε στο 18 International Postgraduate Course of the International
Association of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists and Oncologists, Istanbul Turkey,
October 2008
Δημοσιεύtηκε στο Βιβλίο Περιλήψεων του συνεδρίου, P006, Ref No: 221
Δημοσιεύτηκε η περίληψη στο περιοδικό
Hepato-Gastroenterology 2008; 55(Suppl I): A112-113 Index PubMed
Background: Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is a
potentially life- saving intervention but as being invasive it carries risk of mortality
and morbidity. Endoscopic technique is regarded as one of the factors that may
coiuiibute to the development of complication
Aim: Our aim was to examine whether primary deep biliary catunilation with guide
wiie is associated with a lower rate of complications than conventional contrast-
assisted camiulaiion in patients with dioledocholithiasis.
Material and Method: Patients with known cholcdocholithiasis who underwent ERCP,
in one single hospital fioni January 2005 to Match 2008 were reviewed