P. 64

retrospectively. Cases with cancer, surgical altered anatomy and periaiiipullaty

                      diverticulum weie excluded. Results: A total of 217 patients (102 men 47%. 115
                      women 53%) with cholcdocholithiasis underwent 246 ERCP. 82 (37.8%) with cotutasi-
                      assisted cannulation and 135 (63-2*10) with guide wire. 1'ost sphincterotomy

                      bleeding was recorded in 5/217 (2.3%), 4 in the contrast group, one in the guide wire

                      group, (4/82 4. ) vs., 1/135 0.75%, p< 0.05) Duodenal perforation one in the guide wire
                      group <1/135 0.75% vs. 0/82 0°o in contrast group. p>0.05). Post- ERCP pancreatitis
                      (PEP) occurred in 11/217 (5%): 10 in the contrast arm and 1 in the guide wire arm,

                      10/K2,vs. 1 /135,p<0.001). "Ihc overall cannulation success rate in total was  )2.6%
                      (201/217): 75 with contrast assisted cannulation and 126 with guide wire (75/82

                      l M.5% vs. 126/135  ).l3"o, p>0.05). Among 17 patients (7.8%) who developed
                      complications 7 were male and 10 female {7/102 6.8%, vs. 10/115 8.6%, p>0.()5).

                      Especially, in PEP group, 1 female and 2 male (7.8% vs. 1.9%, respectively p<0.05).
                      Conclusion: Ihc guide wire technique seems to he safe and associated with lower

                      rate of complications compared to the conventional contrast technique.

              4.      Multifocality of thyroid carcinomas: Not only a "privilege" of papillary tumors

                      M.S. Papageorgiou, Μ. Karanikas, E. Efremidou, N. Liratzopoulos,  K.J. Manolas

                      Ανακοινώθηκε στο 4th Biennial Congress, Vienna Austria, 13-15 May, 2010

                      Δημοσιεύτηκε στο στο Βιβλίο Περιλήψεων του συνεδρίου P046, p.38


                      Background: The aim of this study is to study the frequency of multifocality in
                      welldifferentiated thyroid carcinomas and correlate it with various epidemiological

                      factors and survival.

                      Methods: A retrospective study was conducted on 80 patients who underwent total
                      thyroidectomy (TT) from 1985 to 2004 in the First Surgical Department of University

                      Hospital of Alexandroupolis, Greece for well-differentiated thyroid cancer. Patients'
                      records and demographics, including age, gender, histology (papillary, follicular),

                      multifocality and survival were analyzed.

                      Results: Multifocality was established in 17/80 patients (21,25%). Multifocal tumors

                      were found in 20% of male and 21,67% of female patients, percentages almost
                      identical. Increased rates of multifocal tumors were found in the age groups of 20-
                      29. 30-39 and 70-79 years old, while low rates were documented in groups of 0-9, 10-

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