P. 66

nondiagnostic and surgical biopsy was further indicated. Out of 17 FNA with

                      concurrent core biopsies, 12 were proved to be carcinoma (1 lobular Ca, 11 ductal
                      Ca) and 5 were fibroadenomas or negative for malignancy. Hook-wire was placed in
                      14 lesions either for surgical biopsy (4)pr lumpectomy (10). Eight cystic lesions

                      underwent fluid aspiration and evacuation and the cytology results were negative for


                      Conclusion: Ultrasound-guided interventional procedures are minimally invasive and
                      contribute significantly to the accurate diagnosis and management of focal breast

                      lesions obviating unnecessary breast operations for benign lesions.

              6.      A quick calculation of predicted death rate of APACHE-II system in patients with
                      moderate head injuries

                      Georgios Matis, Theodossios Birbilis, Olga Chrysou, Kosmas Kontogiannidis, Elena
                      Karakosta, Athanassios Zissimopoulos, Michail Karanikas, Nikolaos Lyratzopoulos,

                      Georgios Minopoulos.

                      Ανακοινώθηκε στο 14  European Congress of Neurosurgery (EANS), Rome, Italy,

                      Δημοσιεύτηκε σαν E-Poster 247



                      Introduction: The APACHE-II (Acute Physi- ology and Chronic Health Eval- uation-II)

                      is a severity of dis- ease classification system. It is calculated from 12 physiolog- ical
                      variables during the first 24 hours after admission, age and previous health status. It

                      is used for predicting mortali- ty in patients with head injuries (HI) using the principal
                      diagno- sis leading to ICU admission as a category weight.

                      Objective: To assess if the diagnostic cat- egory weight and the perfor- mance of

                      operation in patients with moderate HI affects the predicted death rate (R).

                      Materials & Methods: Thirteen patients admitted to the ICU of the University Gen- eral

                      Hospital of Alexandroupo- lis (Greece) (1994-2003) with “moderate HI” (GCS 9-13).
                      First, R was computed with the conventional (R_Original) and the modified way
                      (R_Modified). Then, the paired samples t- test for the 2 rates was em- ployed. Validity

                      was tested with discrimination (ROCs) and cal- ibration (Hosmer-Lemeshow test).

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