P. 61

155 patients (6 %) were operated on for "miscellaneous" reasons. The female:male

                      ratio was smaller in GD (4,2:1) and greater ίπ MNG (6/9:2,1).

                      From the total number of patients 226 were diagnosed to have thyroid cancer (8,7 %).
                      One hundred seventy three (76,5 %) were females and 53 (23,5%) were males. From

                      those, 147 (65%) had papillary, 32 (14,2%) follicular, 21 (4,3%) medullary, 16(7,1 %)
                      anaplastic and 10 (4,4 %) other types of thyroid carcinoma.

                      One hundred forty three patients (63,3 %) underwent total thyroidectomy while the
                      rest subtotal. Ιπ 33 (14,6%) patients enlarged Iymph nodes were also found. Ιn 14 out
                      of 99 patients who underwent total thyroidectomy and proved to be papillary cancer,

                      the carcinoma was multifocal, while ίn 10 % of cases capsule was found. Similar
                      capsule was found ίn 24 out of 32 cases (75 %) with follicular carcinoma.

                      Thirty-four out of 83 patients (43%) who underwent less than total thyroidectomy,
                      were reoperated on, 1-3 months after the first operation.

                      Eighty-nine patients received radioactive iodine therapeutically immediately after

                      their ορeration. Twenty-five of those had a supplementary dose 3-40 months after
                      the first one. Ιπ order to investigate the trends of thyroid cancer, we divided ουΓ

                      patients ίπ 2 groups. The first consisted from patients who underwent surgery during
                      the first decade (1979-1939) and the second during the second decade (1990-2000),

                      in the first decade 1304 patients underwent thyroidectomy, while in the second 1283.
                      The incidence of thyroid cancer in the first decade was 6,4% (83 cases) while ίn the

                      second decade 11,1% (143 cases). However, it has to be mentioned that 68% of our
                      patients underwent total thyroidectomy during the second decade in comparison with

                      56% of the first decade and also that the accumulative incidence of papillary and
                      follicular carcinoma was simίlar between the 2 decades. We compare ουr data and

                      also data concerning surgical complications and survival incident with similar
                      presented in the literature, so far.

              2.      Supranutritional dose of vit C and vit D combat free redicals and oxidative in a rat

                      liver ischemia reperfusion injury model.

                      Kontos N, Giakoustidis D, Iliadis S, Koliakou N, Papageorgiou G,  Pantelidis K,
                      Skarlatos C, Karanikas M, Christakis C.

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