P. 133

10. Touzopoulos P, Karanikas M, Zarogoulidis P, Mitrakas A, Porpodis K, Katsikogiannis N,

               Zervas V, Kouroumichakis I, Constantinidis TC, Mikroulis D, Tsimogiannis KE. Current surgical
               status of thyroid diseases. J Multidiscip Healthc. 2011;4:441-9.  doi: 10.2147/JMDH.S26349.

               Epub 2011 Dec 14. PMID: 22247619 [PubMed] [Scopus]

                    Abstract: Thyroid nodules are a common clinical problem for surgeons. The clinical
               importance of nodules is the need to exclude thyroid cancer, which occurs in 5%-15% of

               patients. If fine needle aspiration cytology is positive, or suspicious for malignancy, surgery is
               recommended. During the past decade, with the tendency to develop smaller incisions, an

               endoscopic approach has been applied to thyroid surgery, called minimally invasive video-
               assisted thyroidectomy. This approach was immediately followed by other minimally invasive

               or scarless neck techniques, such as the breast approach, axillary-breast approach, and robot-
               assisted method. All these techniques follow the same principles of surgery and oncology.
               This review presents the current surgical management of the thyroid gland, including the

               surgical techniques and compares them by describing benefits and drawbacks of each one.

           11. K. Amarantidis, N. Xenidis, L. Chelis,  E. Chamalidou, P.Dimopoulos, P. Michailidis, A.

               Tentes, S. Deftereos, M.Karanikas, A. Karayiannakis and S. Kakolyris.  Docetaxel plus
               Oxaliplatin in combination with Capecitabine as 1 -line treatment for advanced gastric cancer.
               Oncology 2011;80:359-365  doi: 10.1159/000330199.  Epub 2011 Jul 29.  PMID: 21811088

               [PubMed]  [Scopus]

                    Abstract: OBJECTIVE:  In the present phase II study, we evaluated the efficacy and safety of a

               docetaxel-oxaliplatin-capecitabine combination as a first-line treatment in patients with
               advanced gastric cancer.

                     PATIENTS AND METHODS:  A total of 27 patients (18 males) with histologically confirmed
               inoperable gastric adenocarcinoma were recruited. Docetaxel was given (50 mg/m(2) i.v.) on

               day 1 followed by oxaliplatin (75 mg/m(2) i.v.) also on day 1. Capecitabine (2,750 mg/m(2))
               was given orally as two daily divided doses from days 1 to 7. Cycles were repeated every 2

               weeks. All patients had measurable disease and 18 of them had a performance status (WHO)
               of 0.

                    RESULTS:  A total of 240 treatment cycles were administered. All patients were evaluable for

               toxicity. Four patients who discontinued treatment early (having received only 3 chemotherapy
               cycles) were included as non-responders in an intention-to-treat response analysis. Complete

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