P. 131

in patients previously diagnosed with breast cancer. In this report, the issue of GI metastatic

               disease from breast cancer is discussed and several treatment modalities are examined.

           7.  Birbilis T, Zezos P, Liratzopoulos N, Oikonomou A, Karanikas M, Kontogiannidis K, Kouklakis G.
               Spontaneous bowel perforation complicating ventriculoperitoneal shunt: a case report. Cases

               J. 2009 Aug 7;2:8251. doi: 10.4076/1757-1626-2-8251. PMID: 19918409 [PubMed]  [Scopus]

                    Abstract:  Ventriculoperitoneal shunt placement is an effective treatment of hydrocephalus
               diverting the cerebrospinal fluid into the peritoneal cavity. Unfortunately, the shunt devices

               have a high incidence of malfunction mainly due to catheter obstruction or infection and are
               associated with various complications, 25% of which are abdominal. Spontaneous bowel
               perforation is a rare potentially fatal complication of ventriculoperitoneal shunt occurring

               anytime, few weeks to several years, after the placement of the ventriculoperitoneal shunt

               device. A 54-year-old Greek man with spontaneous perforation of sigmoid colon as a
               complication of distal ventriculoperitoneal shunt migration was treated successfully by
               antibiotic prophylaxis and abdominal surgery. Clinicians managing patients with

               ventriculoperitoneal shunt must be familiar with its possible complications and be aware for
               early recognition of them.

           8.  Papageorgiou MS, Liratzopoulos N, Karanikas M, Efremidou EI, Minipoulos G, Manolas KJ.
               Epidemiology and survival of patients with well-differentiated thyroid cancer subjected to total
               thyroidectomy in Thrace area, Northern Greece: a 20-year experience.  Minerva Chir.

               2010;65:137-43 PMID:20298661 [Pubmed] [Scopus]

                    Abstract: Aim. The aim of this study was to evaluate epi- demiology and survival of patients
               with well-dif- ferentiated thyroid cancer (WTC) treated with total thyroidectomy (TT) in the area

               of Thrace, Northern Greece.

                    Methods. The study was conducted on 80 patients who underwent total thyroidectomy from
               January 1985 to December 2004 for WTC. Patients’ medical records and demographics,

               including age, sex, histological type (papillary, follicular, mixed type papillary-follicular,
               Hurthle), stage according to TNMstaging, coexistence or future postoperative occurrence of

               local recurrence or distal metas- tases and overall and specific survival were ana- lyzed and
               survival rates were calculated. Results. Papillary carcinoma was found in 56.3% and follicular

               in 43.8%. Statistical analysis revealed significant correlation of male gender with the high-risk
               population (P=0.017), follicular carci- noma with high-risk population (P<0.0001) and high-risk

               population with local recurrence or metastatic disease (P<0.0001). Overall year, 5-year and 10-

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