P. 130

diabetic foot ulcers. A prospective randomized trial. J Diabetes Complications. 2007 Nov-

               Dec;21(6):387-91 DOI:10.1016/j.jdiacomp.2007.03.006  PMID: 17967712 [PubMed] [Scopus]

                    Abstract: This study tests the hypothesis that addition of a protease-modulating matrix
               enhances the efficacy of autologous growth factors in diabetic ulcers. Fifty-one

               patients with chronic diabetic foot ulcers were managed as outpatients at the

               Democritus University Hospital of Alexandroupolis and followed up for 8 weeks. All
               target ulcers were > or = 2.5 cm in any one dimension and had been previously treated

               only with moist gauze. Patients were randomly allocated in three groups of 17 patients

               each: Group A was treated only with the oxidized regenerated cellulose/collagen
               biomaterial (Promogran, Johnson & Johnson, New Brunswick, NJ), Group B was

               treated only with autologous growth factors delivered by Gravitational Platelet

               Separation System (GPS, Biomet), and Group C was managed by a combination of

               both. All ulcers were digitally photographed at initiation of the study and then at
               change of dressings once weekly. Computerized planimetry (Texas Health Science

               Center ImageTool, Version 3.0) was used to assess ulcer dimensions that were

               analyzed for homogeneity and significance using the Statistical Package for Social
               Sciences, Version 13.0. Post hoc analysis revealed that there was significantly greater

               reduction of all three dimensions of the ulcers in Group C compared to Groups A and B

               (all P<.001). Although reduction of ulcer dimensions was greater in Group A than in

               Group B, these differences did not reach statistical significance. It is concluded that
               protease-modulating dressings act synergistically with autologous growth factors and

               enhance their efficacy in diabetic foot ulcers.

           6.  Efremidou E, Papageorgiou M, Kouklakis G, Karanikas M, Liratzopoulos N, Manolas KJ. Acute

               abdomen due to perforation of cecal metastasis from ductal breast carcinoma: Case report
               and review of the literature. Chirurgia April 2008;21(2): 115-117  Index EMBASE, [Scopus]

                    Abstract: We report an unusual case of a perforated, previously unknown cecal metastasis

               from a primary site of ductal breast carcinoma after 9 years, presenting as acute abdomen.
               The patient was not receiving at that time any chemotherapy agents, so the issue of tumor

               melting must be excluded. The patient was subjected to emergency laparotomy, where right
               hemicolectomy was performed. It is essential for the clinician, and especially the surgeon, to
               include complications of metastatic GI disease in the differential diagnosis of acute abdomen

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